Senior Level Course for AI, Robotics, and Programming

Welcome to the “Senior Level Course for AI, Robotics, and Programming,” designed exclusively for students of classes 10 to 12 in Indian schools. This advanced course aims to equip students with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in robotics, artificial intelligence, and advanced Python programming. Below, you’ll find detailed information about the course structure and the exciting projects you’ll undertake.

Course Objectives:

– Master advanced concepts in robotics, AI, and Python programming.

– Develop proficiency in designing and implementing complex projects.

– Foster innovation, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.

– Prepare students for higher studies and careers in technology and engineering.

Curriculum Details

The course curriculum combines theoretical learning with extensive hands-on projects, enabling students to apply their knowledge in practical scenarios. Students will delve deep into advanced Python programming techniques tailored for AI applications and explore cutting-edge developments in robotics.

Hands-on Projects

1. Wi-Fi Enabled CAR (IoT CAR)

   – Develop a car that can be controlled and monitored remotely via Wi-Fi.

   – Learn about IoT integration, mobile app development, and wireless communication.

2. Smart Street Lighting System

   – Design an intelligent street lighting system that adjusts based on environmental conditions and usage patterns.

   – Explore concepts in automation, energy efficiency, and IoT sensors.

3. Smart Dustbin – IoT Enabled

   – Create a smart dustbin that automatically opens upon detecting waste.

   – Understand sensor integration, IoT protocols, and waste management solutions.

4. Fire Extinguisher Smart CAR Project

   – Build a robot car capable of autonomously detecting and extinguishing fires.

   – Learn about robotics, fire detection sensors, and safety protocols.

5. Security System – Movement Based Alert System

   – Develop a security system that triggers alerts upon detecting unauthorized movement.

   – Explore sensor technology, data processing, and real-time alert systems.

6. Obstacle Detection BOT

   – Construct a robot that navigates and avoids obstacles autonomously.

   – Delve into advanced robotics algorithms, sensor fusion, and navigation systems.

7. Line Following BOT

   – Build a robot that follows a predefined path using sensors.

   – Enhance skills in motor control, sensor calibration, and feedback mechanisms.

8. Python Based Automation Activity – LED Blink, Alert System

   – Create automation scripts in Python for tasks such as LED control and alert systems.

   – Gain proficiency in Python programming for automation and scripting.

9. Swarm Robotics

   – Explore cooperative robotics by programming multiple robots to work together.

   – Study swarm intelligence, coordination algorithms, and collaborative behavior.

10. Artificial Intelligence

    – Implement AI algorithms for tasks such as image recognition or natural language processing.

    – Learn about machine learning, neural networks, and AI applications.

11. Autonomous Drone

    – Develop a drone capable of autonomous flight and navigation.

    – Explore drone technology, GPS systems, and autonomous control algorithms.

12. Python Based Object Recognition System

    – Build a system that can recognize and classify objects using Python.

    – Study computer vision techniques, image processing, and machine learning models.

13. Gesture-Controlled BOT – Python Programming

    – Create a robot controlled by hand gestures using Python programming.

    – Explore gesture recognition, sensor integration, and real-time control systems.

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