Junior Level Course for AI, Robotics, and Programming

Welcome to the “Junior Level Course for AI, Robotics, and Programming,” designed specifically for young students of classes 2 to 5 in Indian schools. This course introduces foundational concepts in robotics, basic Python programming, and hands-on projects that inspire creativity and innovation. Below, you’ll find detailed information about the course and the exciting projects you’ll undertake.

Course Objectives:

– Introduce fundamental concepts in robotics and AI in a fun and engaging manner.

– Foster basic programming skills using Python for simple AI applications.

– Encourage curiosity, problem-solving, and teamwork through hands-on projects.

– Lay a strong foundation for future learning in technology and engineering.

Curriculum Details

The course curriculum combines interactive online sessions with exciting hands-on projects designed to spark imagination and curiosity in young minds. Students will explore basic robotics principles, experiment with simple programming concepts, and engage in creative projects.

Hands-on Projects

1. Wireless Electricity Project

   – Explore wireless energy transfer by building a simple electronic circuit.

   – Learn basic concepts of electricity and magnetism.

2. Wind Driven CAR Project – Force in our Nature

   – Construct a car that moves using wind energy.

   – Understand the principles of wind power and energy conversion.

3. Lemon Battery Project – Household Chemical Battery

   – Create a battery using household items like lemons and copper/zinc plates.

   – Learn about chemical reactions and electricity generation.

4. Manual Robotics – Switches Based Activity

   – Build a simple robot controlled by switches.

   – Introduce basic robotics concepts and manual control mechanisms.

5. Manual Robotics Based CAR System – To Control and Change Direction of Drive

   – Design and build a manual robot car with directional control features.

   – Learn about motor control, wheels, and basic engineering concepts.

6. Smart Dustbin Project

   – Develop a small-scale smart dustbin that opens automatically upon detecting motion.

   – Explore sensor technology and basic automation concepts.

7. Arduino Based Programming – Blink

   – Write and upload a program to an Arduino board to make an LED blink.

   – Introduce students to Arduino programming and basic coding logic.

8. Arduino Based Programming – LED Glow and Fade

   – Program an Arduino to control the brightness of an LED, making it glow and fade.

   – Learn about PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) and analog output.

9. Arduino Based Programming – Sensors Integration and Usage

   – Integrate sensors (e.g., light sensor, temperature sensor) with an Arduino board.

   – Understand sensor readings and their practical applications.

10. Programming – (5 Projects)

    – Engage in five small programming projects using Python.

    – Introduce basic programming concepts such as loops, conditions, and functions.

Online Simulation Based Projects (Basic)

1. TinkerCAD Based Smart 3D Designing Project

   – Use TinkerCAD to create simple 3D designs and models.

   – Introduce students to basic 3D modeling and design principles.

2. TinkerCAD Based Simulation Projects for Electronics

   – Simulate electronic circuits and components using TinkerCAD.

   – Gain practical experience in understanding circuit behavior and components.

3. Basics of Electronics Based Wireless Electricity Projects

   – Explore basic concepts of wireless electricity through simulated projects.

   – Learn about electromagnetic induction and wireless power transfer.

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