Python with Django

Django, a popular & high-level python web framework, is amazing, few of the reasons:

Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, NASA, and other top companies use Python with Django. It ensures Job opportunities or even builds your own product or service as a startup.
Python is an ideal option for bootstrappers and startups because of its quick deployment and lesser amount of required code next to Java, C, and PHP among others. Django prevents a number of common security mistakes better than say, PHP does.

After completing one can go for below professionals:
Web Developers, Full Stack Developers, Technical Project Managers

There are no pre-requisites for this training. However, a familiarity with elementary programming constructs and the basics of HTML will be beneficial.

Installing Python and Setting up the Development Environment
Downloading Python and Installing
Setting up path
Introduction to different IDE and Editors for Python

Basic Programs Handling Data Type
Running python
Python identifier, keywords, comments, etc
Variable, Standard Data Types
Python numbers, strings, operators

Conditional Statement, Looping, Control Statement
If…else Statement, elif, Nested if-else
While, For, Nested loops
Break & Continue Statement, Pass

String Manipulation
Strings indexing and splitting
String Operators
Built-in String functions

Python Data Structure

Functions in python
Defining a Function & Calling
Passing by Reference Vs Passing by Value
Global vs. Local variables
Default argument, keyword argument and Variable-length arguments
Lambda Expressions

What is Exception
Handling an Exception
The except Clause with Multiple Exceptions
The try-finally Clause
User-Defined Exceptions

Files I/O
Handling different types of file
Opening a text file and a binary file
Different modes of opening a file
Reading and writing to a file
Operations using file-handling

Object and Classes in Python
Introduction to the concepts of OOP
Declaration of a class
Basic properties, constructor
self, super keywords
Creating an object of a class
Importing a custom class
Programs involving classes

Django –Introduction & Admin Interface
How to get & install Django
Starting the Admin Interface

Views Layer
Simple View
Basic view(displaying hello world)
Functional views, class-based views

Django – URL Mapping
Organizing Your URLs
Role of URLs in Django
Working URLs
Sending Parameters to Views
Templates layer
The Render Function

Django Template Language (DTL)
Role of template layer in Django
Filters, Tags, Tag if, Tag for, Block and Extend Tags
Comment Tag, Usage of templates
Extending base template

Django – Models
Creating a Model
Manipulating Data (CRUD)
Linking Models
Django – Page Redirection

Django – Sending E-mails
Sending a Simple E-mail
Sending Multiple Mails with send_mass_mail
Sending HTML E-mail
Sending HTML E-mail with Attachments

Django – Form Processing
Using Form in a View
Usage of forms
Crud operations using forms
Crispy forms in django

Django – File Uploading
Uploading an Image
Django – Apache Setup

Django – Cookies Handling
Django – Sessions
Django – Comments

Django Admin
Creating Super User
Using admin in Django
Adding models to admin
Adding model objects using admin
Displaying in cmd using query sets

Static files
Loading CSS files into templates
Loading js files into templates
Uploading image using models
User authentication

Projects and Websites

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