C Language

The objectives of this course are to make the student understand programming language, programming, concepts of Loops, reading a set of Data, stepwise refinement, Functions, Control structure, Arrays. After completion of this course, the student is expected to analyze the real-life problem and write a program in ‘C’ language to solve the problem.

At first, you may overlook the fact that C is an important language. If you need to develop a mobile app, you need Java (for Android), Swift and Objective C (for iOS). And there are dozens of languages like C#, PHP, ASP.net, Ruby, Python for building a web application.
Then, where is C programming?

Python is used for making a wide range of applications. And, C is used for making Python. If you want to contribute to Python, you need to know C programming to work on Python interpreter. Some of the larger open source projects where C programming is used are Linux Kernel, Python Interpreter, SQLite Database. C is the mother of languages.


Module 1. Introduction to Programming
History and Features of C
The Structure of a C Program
Writing C Programs
Data Type, Variable

Module 2. Control Statement
The IF.....ELSE Statement
IF......ELSE ladder
Nesting of IF.....ELSE Statements
The Switching Statements
The do-while Statement
The while statement
FOR Statements

Module 3. Function in C
Advantage of Function
Passing arguments, retuning one value

Module 4. Array in C
Array : What and Why?
One & Two Dimensions Arrays

Module 5. String Handling
Reading & Writing String
String Handling Functions

Module 6. Pointers in C
Introduction to Pointer
Call by value vs. Call by references
Pointer and Arrays
Pointers and Character String
Pointers to Functions

Module 7. Structures and Unions
Defining a Structure
Advantage of Structure
Size of Structure
Arrays of Structures
Pointers and Structures
Defining Unions

Module 8.File Management in C
Introduction to File Management
Opening/Closing a File
Input/output operations on Files
Command Line Arguments

Module 9. Preprocessor

Module 10. Dynamic Memory allocation
Introduction to Dynamic Memory Allocation
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